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An ORCA Lunch & Learn Event - Mathematical Modeling with Clinical Trial Data
About this event

TOPIC: Mathematical Modeling with Clinical Trial Data
TOPIC DESCRIPTION: Using data from the HPTN 067 study, we created an individual-based stochastic model of HIV risk in two synthetic men who have sex with men (MSM) populations with parameters separately estimated using data from Harlem, US, and Bangkok, Thailand. Individuals were assigned daily and on-demand PrEP for six months each. Two personalized PrEP assignments: optimal, based on improved predicted effectiveness and reduced pill burden, and adherence- based, using daily PrEP adherence, were simulated for another six months. We found that on-demand PrEP could benefit many MSM by increasing effectiveness or decreasing pill burden with similar effectiveness. On-demand PrEP may be an effective alternative to daily PrEP for individuals with difficulty taking daily PrEP consistently. Results were similar for Harlem and Bangkok, indicating that these conclusions were robust in populations with different overall adherence levels and may inform future public- health policies.
SPEAKER: Sarah Stansfield
SPEAKER BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Stansfield has 11 years of experience in mathematical modeling of HIV. She graduated from the University of Washington with a PhD in Anthropology and an MPH in Epidemiology and is now a postdoctoral research fellow in the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division of the Fred Hutch Cancer Center. Her earlier work used network models to examine the impact of sexual role on HIV virulence and the effects of increasing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and antiretroviral therapy (ART) use and of HIV prevalence on HIV virulence evolution. Her current work has focused on modeling new PrEP regimens, including on-demand PrEP and long acting injectable PrEP, and their impact on HIV in men who have sex with men (MSM) in the US, Thailand, and Canada and on heterosexuals in South Africa.
WHO: Clinical, regulatory, quality, manufacturing and legal
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